In some places, the entry of ordinary people is strictly prohibited. Check out what they are

North Brother Island, New York, USA

By reivax – Riverside Hospital, CC BY-SA 2.0 ,

North Broter Island is located on the East River and belongs to the territory of New York. 

It is a humble piece of land and a famous abandoned and uninhabited place in the American metropolis. 

This island has a very dark history. Since 1885, a quarantine hospital has been located here, and it was in the Brother of the North that the famous Typhoid Mary lived (An American woman who became the first typhoid carrier in the history of the United States). 

In the 1950s, the hospital became a rehabilitation center for young drug addicts. 

Now, this place is abandoned, and only birds and small animals live here. Access to the island is strictly forbidden to people.

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